Siddhant's personal website

Siddhant's personal website

Using Listing Pages

Listing pages can be used as a central hub of a larger set of content that can then be navigated to through the listed links. These pages are benificial for simplifying navigation through your documentation.


Listing Hash Structure

    'React Dev Tools':
      link: '#example'
      icon: '/assets/images/candies.png'
      link: '#example'
      icon: '/assets/images/candies.png'
    'Visual Studio Code':
      link: '#example'
      icon: '/assets/images/candies.png'
  "Code Editors":
      link: '#example'
      icon: '/assets/images/candies.png'

As you can see, each Listings page has a page variable defined of listings with aa nested category hash with it’s frontend name. These categories then have a final nested hash with the Listing items name and a link/icon pair inside.

This structure must be followed exactly for the layout to output the predefined structured listings page.
